Published on: Jun 29, 2022 @ 12:26 Me and 4 of my students, Marcelo Bernuy-Zumaeta, Yang Wen-Hsien, Wei-Ling Chou, and Chen-Hsin Chen attend the Asian Aerosol Conference 2022 from 12-16 June 2022, at National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei. Yang Wen-Hsien presented his research work related to the production of microalgae as an oral presentation. Marcelo Bernuy-Zumaeta, Chen Chia-Hsin, and Wei Ling-Chou presented the poster presentation. The topic is associated with plasma for hydrogen production and treatment of hazardous waste. Marcelo Bernuy-Zumaeta poster’s focused on the treatment of facemask via plasma technology. Chen Chia-Hsin’s study is associated with hydrogen production from phytoremediation plants. Wei Ling-Chou’s study is associated with VOCs analysis from the gas tests in plasma in a microwave plasma reactor. Thanks to Prof. Ya-Fan Wang and circular society laboratory for supporting...
Environmental issues in Thailand Some Summaries In Thailand, there are 22 river basins of master plan. This master plan is associated with the cabinet approval. This master plan is associated with national strategy of cabinet approval. The source of this master plan is from 1. Agency plan, 2. Meteorology department, local government, subdistrict, scale capacity, two source. River master plan needs more information before the project will be accepted. Also they will approve budget for this project which they can obtain the money. Online monitoring system is very effective that has impacts from the water resource. The system is belong to the agency. The function is very important. This strategy is associated infrastructure, non-structural, innovation, technology, water management, time management and structural. Usually, we can monitor the outcome of the effluent. During the online monitoring system, it can be effectively monitoring the impact from water resource. This is also associated to the circle, belong to the agency. These things are also associated with the function. The strategies of infrastructure are innovation, technology, water management, real time management, institutional and structural. The function of the huge data sensor is very important. The setting of data is very necessary. We requires the chair, big flat, big data center, real time, data and forecast analysis, still new, still use some existing model, that we need to starting it. Furthermore, the monitoring for the dry season is also important. The function should be managed properly. Every project should be discussed with the chairman of the project. In the situation, it requires a lot of management. After forecast, disaster of warning can be finished...